Feb hobby challenge for Paolo
This post originally appeared on the forums of Cranky Old Gamer, a very fine website (sadly now extinct) ran by my friend Greg Buron
- Finish Librarian Quinctilius
- Complete the 2nd Deathwing terminator squad (3 models to go)
- Convert and finish the 10th scout company master
- Prime all my models in the proper color (yeah, stretch goal :) )
Update on 10-Feb-2013
Goal #1 ... Achieved!
Update on 15-Feb-2013
- Primed all the remaining Deathwing terminators
- Clear coated the painted ones
- Acquired a squad of Deathwing Knights
- Acquired Belial, Master of the Deathwing, so I can use him as HQ and field two Deathwing squads as troops (hence having a playable army)
- Belial will be in my possession next week (hopefully), so finishing the February challenge will be tight!
That also means that goals #1 and #4 are done. #3 becomes the stretch one, replaced by completing Belial.
Update on 17-Feb-2013
Hrm... what is this? Goal #2 well on its way to be achieved? Oh, yes it is :)
And now to find out how instashade works...
Update on 20-Feb-2013
Quickshade is NOT all it's claimed to be. I'd rather spend two minutes with some Seraphim Sepia and a brush to get a lot more control and a lot less loss in surface details...
Anyways, while Belial is still not arrived, I have completed two squads and a HQ, technically completing my February challenge :)
If Belial arrives by Sunday, it'll be my task for the day. Otherwise, starting those knights will be quite tempting!