Feb hobby challenge for Paolo

Posted on 2/7/2013 in blog with tags Warhammer 40K
  1. Finish Librarian Quinctilius
  2. Complete the 2nd Deathwing terminator squad (3 models to go)
  3. Convert and finish the 10th scout company master
  4. Prime all my models in the proper color (yeah, stretch goal :) )

Update on 10-Feb-2013

Goal #1 ... Achieved!

Update on 15-Feb-2013

  • Primed all the remaining Deathwing terminators
  • Clear coated the painted ones
  • Acquired a squad of Deathwing Knights
  • Acquired Belial, Master of the Deathwing, so I can use him as HQ and field two Deathwing squads as troops (hence having a playable army)
  • Belial will be in my possession next week (hopefully), so finishing the February challenge will be tight!

That also means that goals #1 and #4 are done. #3 becomes the stretch one, replaced by completing Belial.

Update on 17-Feb-2013

Hrm... what is this? Goal #2 well on its way to be achieved? Oh, yes it is :)

And now to find out how instashade works...

Update on 20-Feb-2013

Quickshade is NOT all it's claimed to be. I'd rather spend two minutes with some Seraphim Sepia and a brush to get a lot more control and a lot less loss in surface details...

Anyways, while Belial is still not arrived, I have completed two squads and a HQ, technically completing my February challenge :)

If Belial arrives by Sunday, it'll be my task for the day. Otherwise, starting those knights will be quite tempting!

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